School Life


Dorset House must be one of the few prep schools in the country to enjoy the luxury of its own amphitheatre and we make good use of it!

Year 8 start the Autumn Term with rehearsals for their performance in the Schools Shakespeare Festival and having (hopefully) learnt their lines over the summer, can be seen in the autumn sunshine, working together on whichever play has been chosen for this year’s performance.  This festival gives pupils the opportunity to perform at the Capitol Theatre in Horsham, alongside three other schools and the children gain a huge amount from the experience.

Later in the Autumn Term, Reception and Years 1 and 2 begin working on the Nativity – a highlight for many parents and staff.  Their performance is often enhanced by the appearance of Mr Darcey the donkey, who carries Mary into the Barn for the performance.

The Summer Term sees the ever popular Year 3 and 4 play – usually a musical, directed by Miss Hobrow.  This is performed outside and we are usually blessed with fine weather for a fast-paced and funny evening of songs and jokes (the cheesier the better).