School Life
Charity Projects
Many of the charity projects and collections at Dorset House are suggested and driven by the children. This could be anything from supporting `Red Nose Day’ or `Children in Need’ via a Mufti Day or Cake Sale to a church collection suggested by a child who has a particular interest in a charity.
In addition to these, we support the NSPCC via their `Number Day’ and the annual Royal British Legion Poppy Collection in November.
More recently, we have begun supporting FEAST, a charity which provides an education for children in India.
Dorset House children have agreed to sponsor eight children from Father Jeremias’ FEAST charity. The four girls and four boys range in age from 5 to 12 and all are living in extremely challenging circumstances. Each Year group at DH has the responsibility of raising money for one of these children. Although the financial implications for us are very small (40p a month per child at DH) this money will transform the lives of these eight children in India. To give just one example: Astra is 10. Her father died in Saudi Arabia; she has a sister and their mother makes cigars for 50 rupees a day – about 60p sterling. This direct support has really captured the children’s imaginations and they regularly come up with ingenious ways to raise extra funds. These have included a Fidget Spinner raffle and hand-made jewellery and bookmark sales. Over the summer holidays, children are challenged to raise money in inventive ways and to report back in September.