Prep School
Pupils explore a diverse range of starting points for their artwork, creating work on their own as well as collaborating with others, on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales. Drawing underpins and forms the starting point for nearly all project work, whether it is from first hand observations, experience or imagination. We encourage children to explore and experiment with different materials and processes including the use of ICT to aid their work. It is important that children’s experiences of Art and Design go beyond the classroom and we take to opportunity to work in the school ground and go on trips to art galleries; recent trips include: The National Gallery, Tate Modern, The National Portrait Gallery, The Design Museum and Cass Sculpture Foundation. The Art Room is open twice a week at lunchtime for Art Club, which is an opportunity for children to explore their own ideas, whilst using the extensive materials and equipment in the department.
The Art Department aims to:
- Encourage free and independent thinking
- Foster imagination, invention and resourcefulness
- Teach the skills required to communicate ideas and observations