Pre Prep School
Year 2
Year 2 takes children through to the end of Key Stage 1 and is the time when most children secure many of their early key skills as learners. We aim to enthuse and inspire everyone, whilst instilling a life-long love of literature. Pupils learn to compose more detailed stories and develop their understanding of language. Through the twelve strands below we build upon our early learning in Year 1 and progress through to the end of Key Stage 1 preparing for the step up to Key Stage 2.
- Speaking
- Listening and responding
- Group discussion and interaction
- Drama
- Word recognition, coding and decoding
- Word structure and spelling
- Understanding and interpreting texts
- Engaging and responding to text
- and shaping texts
- Text structure and organisation
- Sentence structure and punctuation
- Presentation
Children experience a wide range of high-quality, fiction, non-fiction and poetry, all linked to the topic covered in each half term.
Examples of Year 2 topics are:
- Snow and Ice
- Once Upon a Time
- Zoo
- Africa