About Us
Parents’ Association
The Dorset House Parent’s Association is essentially a fundraising body. We organise events throughout the school year that we hope are inclusive, fun and add a social aspect to the school for parents to enjoy. The main focus of these activities is to raise as much money for the school as possible. We have, in the past, been able to provide a new Astro turf for the one of the courts, new sports equipment and new instruments for the Music Department.
In recent years, events have included a Headmaster’s Drinks Party at the beginning of the Autumn Term; Bonfire Party for the whole school; Christmas Party; Quiz Night; Summer Party and a Summer Ball.
Each year has a class representative who liaises with the committee and their class parents and acts as a line of communication from parent to school. This is most useful when there are new families in the school.
We work actively to include parents in the decision making as much as possible and have recently begun to survey the parents so that we can serve them in the best way possible whilst raising money for our chosen project that year. Each parent gives up their time to be on the committee and each member is extremely valuable to the success of the PA as a whole.
Cherry Menlove, Chair