Chess Update

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Chess Update

This term, we welcomed Dave Graham as our new Chess teacher.  Dave has re-invigorated Chess at DH and has encouraged some children to take part in competitions for the first time in a number of years.

A small but determined band of Under-8s (and Under-7s, and even an Under-6!) gave up the last Saturday of half term to compete for the Sussex Under-8 title. Some were battle-hardened from last seasons’ championships…for others it was their first taste of competing outside their school chess clubs. The standard of chess was excellent with very few attempts at scholar’s mate and the sportsmanship was very good too with no disputes.

We were delighted to learn that Dorset House were placed third with special mentions for Jensen Bladd-Symms and Ned Hafner who won the Arbiter’s Award for a good check mate. Well done to everyone who takes part and we look forward to future competitions.


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